
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Car Tyre Tips

Ten Top Car Tyre Tips
Car tyres are the only point of contact between a vehicle and the road. Keeping them in good condition is essential for safe driving and achieving the optimum performance of your car.

Here a ten car tyre tips:

1. Regularly check car tyre pressures. By spending an extra 5 minutes at the petrol station checking your car tyres are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure, fuel economy can be improved by 10%.

A car tyre that is inflated below its recommended pressure will wear faster because of its higher operating temperature and the extra flexing of the rubber. This causes deterioration of the tyre casing and rapid wear of the tread shoulders.

Over inflation can also increase wear due to the decreased size of the contact area between the car tyre and the road. It accelerates the wear in the centre of the tread, an area important for protecting the tyre against impact damage.

2. Always carry a spare. It is not a legal requirement but you'll be thankful you have one when a tyre gets a puncture in a remote location. If using a compact spare tyre remember not to exceed 50 mph and replace it at the earliest opportunity.

3. Check the car tyres for any unusual bulges or lumps as these are often a sign of internal damage. Inspect the tread and sidewall rubber for any signs of cracking as this can cause a tyre blow-out.

4. Keep the tyre valves clean and always remember to replace the dust cap.

5. Avoid driving over of potholes in the road. The extra flexing of the rubber will hasten the tyres deterioration.

6. Remove any stones and other objects embedded in a car tyre's tread. If you find a nail do not remove it as the tyre will rapidly deflate. Instead take the tyre to a specialist who may be able to repair the puncture.

7. Keep the car in a garage if possible. Weather exposure causes crazing and cracking on the car tyres of vehicles kept outside.

8. Take care when using a pressure washer as it can cause damage to a tyre's sidewall. Only use at a safe distance.

9. Try to replace all four tyres at the same time. If this is not possible replace either the two front or the two back tyres together. It will prevent uneven wear which can affect the vehicle's handling.

10. Consult a car tyre specialist before replacing a tyre. They will advise on the right choice of tyre according to your car's make, your budget and your driving circumstances.

By James S Todman